So Exciting, this is my very first blog post about the new career I am embarking on! For the past 4 months I have been thinking about what I want to get out of life and what is going to make me and my family the happiest. I am confident that I am making the right decision but of course can't help being a little scared moving from a steady income to a part time job while studying to be a personal trainer, looking for a nutrition program to enroll in and of course planning a future business.
The PLAN, which may change over time because nothing ever goes to plan but here is the idea of what I hope for the future. Study for and obtain my NASM Personal Training Certification, get a job at a gym that will provide a wide variety of clients who want to get HEALTHY, enroll in a nutrition program so that I can help people eat right and feel good, complete my business plan in order to get out on my own creating workout plans for private clients, boot camps for large groups and creating nutrition plans for all my clients to make the world a healthier place.
I hope that I can reach people and help them get healthy and eating right. I want people to get off the couch and get moving while eating local fresh delicious food!
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